
Just something cute and funny; Clark Terry, amazing trumpet player starts scatting and …. mumbling! Recently a documentary about his life “Keep on Keepin’ about his life was made. Please check it out on Here the mumbling clip, enjoy!…

Bob Mover

Eindelijk, Bob Mover heeft een nieuwe cd (juni 2013) en ik zag hem in Boston een optreden met gitarist Joe Cohn en drummer Bob Gullotti in oktober. Joe Cohn volg ik al jaren en het was geweldig om Bob nu…


Recently I am taking a class about creativity in the music. We go to the Museum of Fine Arts, we choose a painting and then we have to write a composition to the painting. This class gave me a lot…

Lawyers and trees

This evening I went out with Dimphna, a Dutch friend of mine who is doing her PHD at Harvard Medical School/ Dana Farber. There was live music near the prudential center, in the lobby of the Mandarin Hotel. It was…