September 2016 this amazing young Dutch photographer came to visit New York for her new project; Streetnotes. A travel website where she interviews and films musicians in their favorite spot in New York. She contacted me and we met up in Prospect park, close to my place in Brooklyn. The pictures turned out great, and the little music video was improvised live while using the sounds that were already in the air. Listen to it here!
Streetnotes is a project by Photographer Karen van Gilst. Check to discover the best (not necessarily travel agency approved) parts of New York, Rotterdam and Amsterdam. Walking towards the Botanical Garden of Brooklyn, the original spot we decided on recording her Streetnote, Vivienne’s husband started telling me about an old tunnel in Prospect Park not far from there. In combination with Vivienne’s voice that was a golden idea. She is an amazing singer and artist in the broadest cense of the word. What I mean? Check out her Streetnote!
“I sing about water and soap, about rooftop gardens and musicians that I met on a certain moment and time … As pure as it gets, a background in jazz, now exploring the very edges of the style. Intense as never before, it swings, crushes and touches. To find and experience total freedom.” – Vivienne Aerts